This is aprt one of two thigns, picking my middle, and alst name, as a woman
First name: Brandi, Reason I liek it, it plays off my original name so it shoudl be simple for friends and family, it kinda fits me
Middle name: Blank... Becasue I dont know what to name myself
Last name: Blank... Beasue I dotn know what to name myself
Put what you think a good femeine Middle and last name should be, where you got them from, why you like them and if you are able, their meaning as well, 2nd part shall be a poll about the names.
Some people wear their smile like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes. I know 'cause I'm like that a lot. You think everything's ok, and it is . . . 'till it's not.
Nicole: I just thought it sounded nice. I like it because its almost uber girly, and because it has a sort of prestigious sound when coupled with that last name that almost says 'famous' while being very common. Aside from that it is a statement about the entire idea of equality for those who have yet to get it, both socially viewed and in ability to be who they are in the greater world. Meaning: Victorious people
Jamison: Again, I just thought of it. I wanted a good strong male-oriented last name so that the glitter and rainbows wouldn't cause a seizure, so I went with male child of James and got Jamison. James is pretty manly in my eyes. Thats a man's man's name. So I figure his male child is manly enough for your last name to balance it all out. Besides said it out loud. "Brandi Jamison" Now once more all together. "Brandi Nicole Jamison" Sounds nice, huh?
This world is a beautiful poison Each of us make such pretty words We cause the infection to spread and grow Not just to you, but for all of them And I am the only true relief Join me, and let your sorrows end For good.
hm, I DO liek ti lol Baal you are jus full of helpfulness as of late arent you
Some people wear their smile like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes. I know 'cause I'm like that a lot. You think everything's ok, and it is . . . 'till it's not.