I agree with arc, it isnt dead, its just not receinving new people.
Some people wear their smile like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes. I know 'cause I'm like that a lot. You think everything's ok, and it is . . . 'till it's not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u55fpsbzAfk&
I would be inclined to disagree with your comment, Alexander. The forum is not dead at all, it just does not see much new traffic from what little I have gathered, it just has old strong bonds with such as was it's origins, such a thing would allow a creature to thrive for much longer than one with no such bonds. In human understanding, I'm saying even were this forum to die, the group of people who roleplayed here would most likely find somewhere else, as they are close to one another.
Who's Afraid of the big bad wolf? Don't be scared of the dark. be scared of what the light reveals Before Light. There was Darkness